
lamprey site!!!! you found this site? well well well welcome!
I'm just a silly little girl, doing silly little things, so I made this silly little site to house all the silly little things.
I'm trying my best so remember to have fun ok??

I donut keep any social media outside this site, so if you wanna tell me something you'll have to use my guestbook

>>update log

13/10/22 - photos album + minor changes

photo album page added, New lamprey favicon, now the dream diary link has been changed to articles (I'll make a page for that soon)

30/09/22 - drawings pages cleaned up

moved all doodles to the sketches page and added a full drawing

26/09/22 - drawings+sketchez pages are up

now I just have to draw :)

25/09/22 - site created

hello world
